Gift Card Orders are due this Friday 12/9- You still have time to purchase them online. They will be here in time for the holidays.


Holiday Secret Shop is next week- 12/12-12/16 The PTA will be running a Holiday Secret Shop. Your child can shop for special gifts for family and friends. Please see flyer attached with information and class schedule so you know when your child will be shopping. We will need pta volunteers to help the kids shop and wrap their gifts. Click on sign up if you would like to volunteer. 

Holiday Secret Shop


Ugly Sweater day- 12/16 Student council will be holding a contest by grade level for the BEST ugly sweater and holiday costume. Prizes will be given!


Candy Cane Sale- 12/19 and 12/20 during school lunch- Flyer with candy cane tags will be coming home. Students can fill out their tags at home and bring back to school with their money to purchase and send candy canes to classmates and friends.


Winter Class Party- 12/22 @ 2pm Thank you to our room parents for all your hard work and planning of crafts and games for our class party.


Holiday Pajama day & PTA caroling in the pods- 12/23 (Half day-early dismissal & pretzel day)– Students are invited to wear their pajamas to school. PTA parents are welcome to join us as we carol around the elementary pods for all the students to enjoy and sing along! Please meet at 12pm outside the elementary office. Festive attire always welcomed! 🙂


Winter Recess Begins 12/23……..Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! School reopens Monday, January 2nd. 


Please see flyer below for more information and Holiday Shop Schedule





Join the PTA and purchase items at